ABOUT Fannie Barnes After School
Urban Strategies Fannie Barnes After School Programs partners with the Administration for Children’s Services to provide programming for youth ages five through twelve. Services include:
- homework assistance
- arts and crafts
- drama
- dance
- leadership
Our children grow together while experiencing their community through the arts. Linked programs include the following:
- Kids Club
- Youth Leadership
- Brooklyn College Mentorship
- Manhattan Children’s Museum Arts Program
We accept HRA Childcare Vouchers, ACD Vouchers, and 1199 Union Subsidized Childcare.
For your child to be a part of our program your child must be:
- Within the ages of 5-12
Our sites
Fannie Barnes After School
Laurencia Peters
Site Coordinator
829 Saratoga Avenue,
Brooklyn, NY 11212
718-346-2539 ext. 23
Mon–Fri 2pm–7pm
Atkins Avenue After School
Sheena Ellington
Site Coordinator
255 Atkins Avenue,
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Mon–Fri 2pm–7pm